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Building On Victoria’s Work to End Family Violence

12-12-2023  Gday India

The Allan Labor Government is inviting the family violence sector, community advocates and people with lived experience to help guide the next stage of its critical reforms for a safer future for all Victorians.

Minister for Prevention of Family Violence Vicki Ward today released Strong Foundations – Building on Victoria’s work to End Family Violence, which outlines focus areas for Victoria’s response and prevention of family violence, in recognition of the nation-leading reform and investment undertaken to date.

Victorians now feel more confident in identifying, reporting and accessing support for family violence, but we know further work is needed to prevent violence before it starts.

Strong Foundations  outlines five focus areas to guide the third and final Rolling Action Plan (2024-2026) under  Ending family violence: Victoria’s 10-year plan for change due for release in mid-2024. 

The Labor Government has implemented all 227 recommendations of the Royal Commission into Family Violence, investing more than $3.8 billion. 

In Victoria, 406,980 people including 167,960 children have received support through The Orange Door network since it opened in 2018 and more than 1,950 Victorian schools run Respectful Relationships programs. 

Having already added over 2,000 new front line roles to deliver our nation-leading reforms, the Labor Government will continue to grow our skilled workforce, by investing in a pipeline of workers through Free TAFE and other supports.

Consultation opens today and closes on Sunday, 4 February.  To find out more visit  


12-12-2023  Gday India

Karan Aujla Aug24